How to Get the Most Out of HubSpot

How to Get the Most Out of HubSpot

We’ve outlined 13 of the most compelling methods of how to get the most out of HubSpot. If you want to use this awesome CRM to streamline your sales, marketing, automation and customer service, look no further!


What’s HubSpot?

HubSpot is an insanely popular customer relationship management platform (CRM). Within the platform is a suite of tools to improve businesses’ sales, marketing and customer service.

It was built on the premise that ‘people don’t want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by salespeople — they want to be helped’ (via Hubspot).

“People don’t want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by salespeople - they want to be helped” - HubSpot

As a HubSpot partner, ROAR has a wealth of experience managing the platform for clients, and we use HubSpot for our own inbound marketing strategy and customer service. You can learn more about what that means with our blog ‘Onboarding with a HubSpot Partner Agency: Everything You Need to Know‘. Without further ado, let’s get started.


How to Get the Most Out of HubSpot


Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before you even decide to purchase your HubSpot licence, clearly understand why you are making this choice. Keep your goals and objectives clear in your mind, define what you want to achieve when using HubSpot, and you will be in a much better position than many new users.


Complete HubSpot Academy Courses

The HubSpot Academy provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the platform. It gives you a firm grasp of the concept of inbound marketing, customer care and automation. Take advantage of their free courses, certifications and resources to use their platform more efficiently.

We understand that HubSpot can be a huge commitment, especially for smaller to medium-sized organisations. Going straight into the academy might feel like you’re wasting time. Trust us when we say that you will not learn how to get the most out of HubSpot if you do not understand the platform first and understand the basics of the concepts and principles you are implementing into your own business.


Segment Your Audience

Segment your contacts based on their respective criteria using the CRM platform and your previous data. Look at their behaviour, demographics and interactions so you can start to build out targeted messaging and content, improving engagement or conversion rates.

Say you identify a large audience that has reached out to your business through your website, either by requesting a free resource or filling out a form. Place these contacts into a ‘cold leads’ audience or something similar. Write a custom snippet to reach out to this audience based on their behaviour and try to re-engage this potential customer.


Automate Your Marketing Tasks

One of HubSpot’s greatest features is the ability to automate tasks to save time and increase the efficiency and productivity of your teams. You can set up automated workflows for email marketing or lead nurturing.

I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where a lead has been forgotten or has fallen through the cracks. You can ensure all leads receive timely and relevant follow-up content with HubSpot.

Let our experienced team take control of your HubSpot to ensure you receive the best possible return for your investment. Contact our team today


Personalised Content

You can leverage the personalisation of the HubSpot portal and the creation tools in the CRM to develop personalised content for your audiences. Using an innovative and dynamic range of tools, tailor your messages and content to individual contacts.


Analyse and Track Data

HubSpot provides basic analytics and reporting features for your marketing efforts. You can use this feature to measure your KPIs and the performance of your business objectives.

Review your conversion rates, email open rates and much more. In turn, you can refine your campaigns and strategies.


Integrate and Connect Apps

Many businesses use a range of platforms for their internal processes. A huge consideration for investing in a CRM is ensuring they integrate seamlessly. HubSpot integrates with a wide variety of tools and platforms, to name a few:

  • Zapier
  • WordPress
  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Outlook
  • Outlook Calendar
  • Zoom
  • Google Ads
  • Slack
  • Mailchimp
  • Calendly
  • Microsoft teams


We could go on, but why not check all the integrations yourself.


Lead Scoring and Qualifying

Similarly to segmenting your audience, you can use HubSpot sales to qualify inbound leads. Analyse the behaviour and demographics and grade your leads by how likely they will convert into sales. It will save your sales team time and significantly improve your sales processes.


Sales Playbooks and Sequences

The Sales Hub offers playbooks and sequences that can boost your sales team’s productivity, organisation and processes. These features can significantly help your sales team stick to best practices when contacting leads on sales calls.

They are effectively interactive cards within the Sales Hub feature that your sales team can access, providing guidance and structure to their outbound calls.


Customer Feedback Surveys

A great way to ensure that you are meeting the needs of your clients and customers is to reach out to them for feedback. There are built-in tools that help you collect data efficiently, this can help guide product development, improve your customer support and even provide invaluable insight into your marketing strategies.


New Features

With HubSpot, you’re investing in a tool that regularly updates and improves. There are frequent new features and improvements in all areas of the CRM. You can join an active community of users to help stay informed and up to date; even following their blog and subscribing to their newsletter can help you take advantage of all the software has to offer.


Training and Support

The HubSpot CRM, as mentioned previously, has an Academy that offers a range of courses, certifications and resources to help upskill and train your staff. Keeping them up to date with the latest in inbound strategy and providing your staff with ample opportunity for personal and professional development.


Review and Optimise Campaigns

One of the greatest things that HubSpot can do for you is to help you zoom out. Review your campaigns and inbound processes with the software. You can pinpoint weaknesses and strengths that can improve all aspects of your business.

You can even build custom landing pages suited to specific campaigns and strategies, which can be effective sales engines!

Identify what’s really working and what isn’t, then adjust accordingly.



Remember, you can only truly learn how to get the most out of HubSpot when you keep learning. Make sure to experiment, evolve your knowledge and adapt to the needs of your business and audience.

  • Use the HubSpot academy to learn handy tips and tricks.
  • Define your business objectives to guide your HubSpot strategy.
  • Automate the processes that you can and constantly improve them with HubSpot data
  • Keep up to date with HubSpot’s latest features for maximum benefit.
  • Continuously learn and train your team.



Take your marketing efforts to the next level with our comprehensive HubSpot management services. Together, we can reach your business goals.


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