'We don't need SEO'- top excuses for avoiding

‘We Don’t Need SEO’ – The Top Excuses For Avoiding SEO Strategy

Have you or anyone in your business ever uttered the words ‘We Don’t Need SEO?’

Are you against SEO? In this day and age? Kindly take a seat. 


This is 5 of the best excuses we’ve heard for businesses not implementing an SEO strategy.


  • ‘I tried it, and it didn’t work’ 


Ah yes, the classic ‘We don’t need SEO because I tried it, and it didn’t work!’ This usually breeds from a short ride on the SEO wave with little to no actual focus or determination. You see, SEO is not instant, and these types of excuses are usually informed by 10 minutes a week, basic SEO principles and usually the marketeer is expecting results within the first month – this is whack considering it usually takes around 3-6 months actually to see any SEO results. 

Trial and error are okay when starting out with SEO, and it can be hard for beginners to hone in and streamline their strategy for results. However, sticking to it and allowing results to develop over time is key. Although some marketing strategies can produce some pretty instantaneous results (PPC, social etc), SEO holds a lot of weight in the long term. 

Ultimately, SEO encompasses a wide variety of tactics, including on-page, off-page and technical SEO, so your one-day trial of SEO could’ve been lacking in either area. 


  • ‘I do not have time to write a blog’


Now, we get it; you’re busy doing everything you need to do to keep the business afloat and navigate many different roads in your business. However, blogging isn’t necessarily the be-all and end of SEO at the beginning. But it is shall you want to sustain your rankings? 

You see, creating a regular stream of content that is optimised correctly, and provides guidance and value to a reader is praised by search engines like Google. It shows Google that you are an authoritative voice providing helpful content to audiences, increasing the likelihood of Google showing your webpage in the search results when a user searches online.

Our suggestion for most teams in this situation is to outsource a writer, whether it be an agency (hint), freelancer or even good old (not a writer) ChatGPT.

Now now, we’re not saying push out four blogs a week written by ChatGPT because, well, everyone would be able to tell. But for a little bit of inspo, some ideas and structure to start off with can inform a blogging strategy that takes minimal time but also can greatly impact your SEO. 

Tip: don’t forget to optimise any blog content you put on your website; this is important and shows search engines the types of queries you aim to rank for.


  • ‘I don’t get it’ 


‘I don’t get it’ is a quote I know all too well through various parts of life, school, and university, but did I just throw the towel in? No, and this is not going to be some motivational speech I promise, but there really is little to no point in just giving up.

You don’t necessarily have to get it, sure, if you’re aiming to drive the SEO to train yourself, but if you’re merely just a passenger, let the professionals take control. Outsourcing is a great way of ensuring you see results, a streamlined strategy, and even learning a thing or two along the way.

We created the ultimate guide to working with an SEO agency, free to download here for anyone looking to outsource. 

But, we recommend studying, for the determined marketer who sees the light, pride and glory in not giving up (not a motivational speech, remember). The online marketing training world is massive, and there is a course that can teach you about pretty much anything. 

For the eager SEOers, we recommend starting with the SEMRush SEO Fundamentals course or the Content Led SEO course with Brian Dean. Alternatively, the ROAR DIY SEO Platform is perfect for beginners, showcasing SEO best practices and providing education, checklists and tasks for you to complete to optimise your site – it’s pretty good if we do say so ourselves. 

There’s no reason why you can’t teach yourself a little bit of knowledge and begin implementing strategy from your learnings.  


  • ‘I know marketing and SEO is unnecessary.’ 


It’s giving RED FLAG! Yeah, no, not today satan! This one is just a little bit silly. 

We don’t trust a digital marketer who says SEO is unnecessary, nor should you. It’s a key component of digital marketing strategy unless you don’t want to rank organically anywhere, have authority, or secure backlinks.

You see, SEO plays a pivotal role in many digital marketing strategies, whether it directly affects them or accompanies them. 

SEO allows businesses to rank online when a user makes a related search query; well-informed SEOified content across a website, including technical aspects and off-page SEO like user experience and website speed, shows Google you’re a reliable and relevant source. This will then inform your position on SERPs (search engine results pages).

Consequently, through this, you gain quite a competitive advantage over your competitors as you could very well be the first result a potential client or customer sees when searching for a product or service related to your business. Does SEO contribute to all of your digital strategies, like PPC? If you’re the number one paid search AND organically ranking on the first page, that’s two opportunities to entice your customer – plus that’s fab for brand authority. 

You’re silly if you think it’s unnecessary.


  • ‘I already have social media channels set up’ 


Lastly, the good old, ‘I have social media channels set up, so my customers can already find me!’ WRONG – not how it works, we’re afraid. You see, social media doesn’t technically, directly, properly contribute to SEO – we’ll explain. Yes, you can optimise your social media platforms (USING SEO TACTICS) to allow potential customers to find your page on social, but it will not benefit your online presence directly.


Here is a completely real, nonfabricated, non-brainstormed conversation we heard once: 

Google: so, you wanna be on page one of Google; you have pretty good SEO, I’m assuming? 

Business owner: Yeah, ours is class, the best you’ve ever seen that #1 spot is ours.

Google: Damn, let’s see then.

Business owner: @dogcaferave on Facebook, check it out!

Google: *sideeye* 

Business owner: *confusion*

Google: Yeah, mate, not gonna work.


Social media can help increase your traffic and spread the word, but it ain’t getting you high up in Google’s estimations. 

Don’t make the ultimate SEO mistake and check out the 10 benefits of SEO Management Services and see what SEO can do for your business.



Do any of these sound familiar? Well, it’s a good job ROAR is here to help; speak to us today to avoid all these mistakes and reap the rewards of our SEO Services. 


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